Good news! BST-50 olive shell charcoal making machine was installed in Turkey successfully! We’ve received feedback video from Turkish customers. They showed the installation site to us.
Project Details of BST-50 Charcoal Making Machine in Turkey
BST-50 biochar pyrolysis reactor can managfe about 5000 kg of waste biomass per hour. Beston delivered BST-50 charcoal making machine to Turkey on March 2022. The delivery costs about 45 working days. Beston Group offers online installation guidance and commission for Turkish customers. During the production and shipping process, the Beston delivery team provides weekly progress updates for customers, giving customers peace of mind.
Installation Sit of BST-50 Charcoal Making Machine in Turkey
How to Identify High Quality Biochar?
1. Feel
Biochar is surprisingly lightweight.
2. Listen
Biochar makes a pleasant, light, high-pitched tinkling sound when you run your hands through it.
3. Smell
Good biochar has little or no odor. If it smells tarry or sooty, it’s not completely pyrolysed.
4. Look
Finished biochar is black. The color of biochar also reflects its quality – the darker the better.
Customers’ Comments
“There is no doubt that Beston’s service is very thoughtful, which is also an important reason why we choose to cooperate with Beston. They always provide timely and efficient solutions. My brothers and I were thrilled the first time we successfully made biochar. What’s even happier is that the quality of biochar is unexpectedly high, and we will definitely be able to sell it for a good price!”